The Warehouse Market

2867 Isleville St, Halifax, NS

The Warehouse Market opened in June 2017 as a collaboration between Abundant Acres, Afishionado, and Holdanca Farms. At first, it was open one day per week for our farm share pick ups, but it has grown into a bustling Wednesday to Saturday retail market with a wide range of local products and some imported product to round out our offerings. It’s also still the location for Abundant Acres farm share pick ups from June to October!

We focus on sourcing high-quality, local food products from producers around Nova Scotia to provide our customers with a well-rounded offering so you can check off as many items on your grocery list as possible! Most of our vendors are also small businesses. Selling their products at the Warehouse Market means they can spend their time focusing on other aspects of their business.

At our market you can find: fresh local and imported fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats, free-range eggs, sustainable seafood, tofu, fresh mushrooms, local flowers, dairy products, ferments, snacks and more! If you have any questions about our products, please ask our staff. They are all passionate about local food and many of them have farming experience and/or direct relationships with our suppliers.

Parking is available on surrounding streets. Our market space can get a bit full during our busiest hours. If you prefer a quieter shopping atmosphere we encourage you to come between 2 and 6pm on week days.

Our Hours

11:00 am – 6:00 pm
11:00 am – 6:00 pm
11:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Let’s stay connected!
Facebook: @warehousemarkethfx

You can find us at 2867 Isleville St, Halifax, NS B3K 3X4.
Our market is located in Kjipuktuk in Mi’kma’ki the unceeded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.