Farm Share Information 2024

Our farm share for 2024 is now open! Read on for more information and to sign up!

                               Click on this link to sign up

~Our thirteenth year of offering farm shares~

We have a full choice display where you pick out your marked produce items at The Warehouse Market.  The location is 2867 Isleville St in North-End Halifax (map at bottom of post). 

Prices and dates:

  • Small Share $25.45/week, $560 for the season.
  • Large Share $35.90/week, $790 for the season.
  • Extra Large Share $46.80/week, $1030 for the season
  • It will run for 22 weeks: May 29 – Oct 26, 2024
  • Pick up times: Wednesday to Friday 11am-6pm, Saturday 9am- 4pm


Payment in full has to be made by May 2, 2024.  

There are two ways to pay for your farm share,

  1. Email transfer to with auto-deposit  (Make sure there is an ns at the end of the farm name)
  2. Cheques to Abundant Acres, 182 Red Bank Rd Centre Burlington NS B0N 2A0

We will only give refunds if you let us know ahead that you want to cancel for the rest of the season.  The payment is for a season of produce.  The value will change week to week, generally increasing as the season progresses.

This Isleville St. location has several advantages.  We have an indoor space with a high ceiling and a huge garage door open to the sunshine.  The display will be out of the wind and rain.  There is street parking.

We work collaboratively with Holdanca Farm (Duynisveld family) who sells pastured meats and eggs.  We will have all these healthy, local foods in one place and we’re psyched to be working with other producers such as Fill Yer Boots Farm, who supplies pasture eggs, garlic, and flowers.

To be honest, we make a lot of farm investments at the beginning of the growing season, like seeds, staff, equipment and infrastructure maintenance.  The sooner we get farm share payments, the better.  But we don’t require payment as soon as you sign up.

If you are going to miss a week’s pick up, we suggest you offer it to a friend or relative to pick up.  Or we can arrange to donate it to people in need for you.

At the height of the season, the abundance of produce doesn’t entirely fit in our display unit

What do I get?  Most of the vegetables are from Abundant Acres, and the potatoes are from other organic farms in the Maritimes.  Any other vegetables, if we need them, are brought in from other farms in NS, NB, or PEI.  When it is available, fruit comes from our farm or local farms near us.  We buy no-spray or low-spray fruit whenever possible.  Rhubarb, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, melons, apples, and pears are expected to be included this year.

Small Shares get 6 items per week, including 1 fruit item (in season).  

Large Shares get 9 items per week, including 1 fruit item.

Extra Large Shares get 12 items per week, including 2 fruit items.

Once you sign upwe will keep you informed via our weekly newsletter, starting at the end of May.

We have always wanted the farm to be a place where people from all walks of life can share life’s simple pleasures of good food and community.  We want this relationship to be mutually beneficial, providing connection to the land, the farmers that work it, and the ever-changing abundance it brings forth.

Greens, herbs, and shoots available as part of the farm share

We hope this vision resonates with you.  We appreciate each one of you who has supported us so far, and look forward to many more years of sharing the farm(s) with you.

Sign up here

Need more information?  Don’t hesitate to call or email.


Jen Greenberg, AbundantAcres

182 Red Bank Rd. Centre Burlington NS B0N 2A0

902.757.1640 or 902.817.1986


16 thoughts on “Farm Share Information 2024

  1. Pingback: Farm Dinner | Circassion Drive

  2. Hi, just wondering about your packs. I am inserted in possibly signing up but would like more information. Could you give me an example of what might be in a box? I understand it changes based on what is seasonal but I’m looking for a rough idea.

    • In the spring, the packs are mostly greens with carrots, radish and green onions and other veggies as they ripen. Since we have eight greenhouses, we start harvesting warm season crops like tomatoes, melons and peppers several weeks earlier than normal.

      We try to give a good value, our customers tell us it is certainly a better deal than the Farmer’s market if comparing to organic vendors.

      The amount is enough to feed two or three adults who eat a lot of veggies.

      If you have further questions, feel free to call us or email again.

  3. Do you have smaller pacs suitable for single seniors. I live in a small apartment so storage is a problem. I have signed up, I would use the Victoria Park pick up.

    • Hi Anne, We do not offer smaller packs. Some people share their packs with a friend or relative. Another option is you could come to the pick up at Victoria Park on Thursdays from 4-6pm and buy produce/eggs from the side-table. Why don’t you drop by this Thursday and check it out? Cheers, Jen

  4. Omg. I received my first produce pack yesterday. It contained more than I expected. Wonderful produce! I have some lettuce at every meal.bits the best I ever tasted. I’m so glad I signed up. Go friends go!

  5. We used to get your packs and picked up in Bedford. Just wondering if you still offer substitutes for some products (like radishes which I’m allergic to), or would we just leave them out of our box. We pretty well love everything else.

    • Hi Lynn, Thanks for getting in touch! We lay out all the items, market style, and you choose your 6 or 8 items (depending if you have a small or large share). No worries about radishes! Jen

  6. Pingback: Winter Update | Abundant Acres Farm

  7. Pingback: 2018 complete list of CSA’s in Nova Scotia | Adventures in Local Food

  8. Pingback: Perspective | Abundant Acres Farm

  9. Hey there,

    I am interested in your CSA program but am hesitant due to the lack of meat mentioned. I am a big fan of vegetables but like to get a large portion of my nutrition from animal proteins. Is this box only vegetables or is there an equal share of meat provided as well? Thanks in advance for your reply!

    Luke P.

    • Hi Luke,
      There is no meat or animal products in the farm share at all. It is all vegetables, and a portion of fruit. At our market, where shares are picked up, there is meat and other animal products like eggs and cheese available for purchase separately from your share. We collaborate at our market with trusted livestock producers like Holdanca Farm and Fill Yer Boots Farm.
      Thank you for your interest!

  10. Pingback: Farm Share 2022 | Abundant Acres Farm

  11. Pingback: Mice and Cookies | Abundant Acres Farm

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